L.A. City Councilman Jose Huizar & Yuval Bar-Zemer, Developer Linear City Announce First EV “Fast” Charger, Other Sustainable Lifestyle Options for the Arts District & Downtown L.A.
Test-Drives of the Nissan Leaf Offered After Announcements

Los Angeles City Councilman Jose Huizar will join Linear City Development, ECOtality electric vehicle charger manufacturer, and EV advocates to announce the first fast charger in the City of Los Angeles. The Blink DC fast charger, which can charge a Nissan Leaf and other EVs in roughly 30 minutes, is located in an Arts District public parking lot next to a suite of 10 standard EV chargers. The addition of three EVs to a local car-sharing program and a new farm-fresh market will also be announced at the lot across from Linear City’s Biscuit Company and Toy Factory Lofts. The new programs will add to the vibrant, sustainably-focused community expanding in the popular urban district.